JT: Digital Transformation Enabler

Second prostep ivip jt day

What a day! 180 experts and decision makers followed prostep ivip’s invitation, received information about status and strategies with regard to the industrial application of JT and where deeply impressed.

Right at the opening of Rudolf Dotzauer from Continental and Dr. Sebastian Handschuh from Daimler, the two chairs of the prostep ivip / VDA projects JT Workflow Forum, JT Implementor Forum and JT Benchmark, it was clear to everybody, that this event will have signaling character. JT is in productive application. Far more than 300 million JT-Files are managed in productive applications. And in collaborative scenarios approximately 75% of all 3D-data could be exchanged via JT. But that’s not the end of the road, that’s just the beginning, as the three keynote speakers stressed.

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Vehicle Electrics is a Key Player!

prostep ivip vec day

Today, for the fifth time the ProSTEP iViP / VDA VEC Day took place as an integral part of the annual Bordnetz-Kongress. Up to 70 participants listened to presentations from industry and IT representatives and realized that the new mobility concepts and the increase in products complexity require a shift toward model-driven vehicle electrics engineering, smart collaboration, information flows and data coherency.

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Engineering Digitalization with JT

After the successful JT Day in 2015, the next event will pretty soon open its doors:

22 September 2016 / Regensburg, Germany
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