
Review Symposium 2017

Excellence: Networking and Digitalization

From 17 to 18 May 2017 the 20th prostep ivip symposium took place in Essen, Germany. 20 years of improvement, 20 years of giving users, vendors and researchers at neutral place for intense discussions on innovations and for networking. This year’s premium sponsors were thyssenkrupp and CONTACT Software.
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Digital Transformation: Success Factor People

prostep ivip innovation day

Today, together with Microsoft, prostep ivip hosted the 1st Innovation Day. What a day, the 60 participants were taken by this event, the topics and the open atmosphere. The idea behind the event was to challenge an IT giant like Microsoft with topics of the Association and to give the participants a better understanding of the innovations currently arising on the market.

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Does Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) have a future in the age of Digitalization?

Future PLM: 22 Theses

Background & Motivation for this Position Paper

Introducing and operating a PLM system is a cost-intensive undertaking. According to PLM expert John Stark, half of all PLM projects end in failure. The networking of products and services via the Internet of Things (IoT) raises the question of whether PLM is now no longer up to the demands placed on it. Is PLM, as we know it today, on its way out, rendered obsolete by linked data, big data and self-learning systems? Or, to put the question differently, how will PLM have to change in order to provide companies with optimum support during their digital transformation?
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