Blogging, Networking, Opinions
Sharing information and networking is one of the major assets of ProSTEP iViP. Via this block we want to offer you additional information and the chance for interaction. Interaction with the Association but also with other like-minded people. We are looking forward to your comments, questions, hints and feedback.
The only thing we ask you to avoid is any kind of marketing and/or advertisement contribution. We reserve the right to delete these kind of contributions.
prostep ivip´s activities: 100% conform to Antitrust Law
You are most likely having a discussion on antitrust as well in your organization or feeling its effects. You are though still willing to exchange with others, right..? During the antitrust discussion in summer 2017, the prostep ivip Association has decided to engage a cartel lawyer and, in so doing, examine its activities and projects. The […]
prostep ivip Scientific Award 2018
Call for papers For the 8th time, the prostep ivip Association is offering young academics a platform for presenting outstanding work to a wide audience. Students or Scientific Assistants in the final year are invited to submit their thesis (bachelor/master) or dissertation in the field of virtual product development by 26 January 2018. The award […]
3rd JT Day – Driving digitalization with JT
After the very successful JT events of 2015 in Darmstadt and 2016 in Regensburg, BOSCH has hosted the 3rd prostep ivip JT Day on October 17th in the auditorium of its beautiful R&D Center in Renningen. More than 150 participants from over 60 organizations have joined to celebrate practical user experience of JT along with awesome contributions from BOSCH, BMW, and Honda. […]