Blogging, Networking, Opinions
Sharing information and networking is one of the major assets of ProSTEP iViP. Via this block we want to offer you additional information and the chance for interaction. Interaction with the Association but also with other like-minded people. We are looking forward to your comments, questions, hints and feedback.
The only thing we ask you to avoid is any kind of marketing and/or advertisement contribution. We reserve the right to delete these kind of contributions.
Honorary Members
Living for PLM prostep ivip honored two new honorary members for outstanding achievements within the association’s work. The ceremony took place within the context of the symposium’s evening event, in front of the over 600 participants.
And the Award Winners 2017 are …
prostep ivip scientific award 2017 For the 7th time prostep ivip awarded excellent doctoral and master theses. In good old tradition, the award ceremony was hold within the context of the symposium’s evening event, in front of the over 600 participants.
IT Openness Certification
Building Trust and Reliability: Certifying IT Openness Under the patronage of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) the prostep ivip association decided to to take the next level for realizing IT Openness: Accredited Certification of IT Openness. The mature basis for this undertaking is formed by prostep ivip’s unique openness initiative CPO.